Monday, May 16, 2011

NO WAY.....

Elder Chris Smith's New Companion is....
(Drum Roll Please)
Elder Weston Janke!
and NOW......
It's the coolest thing!
I'm so excited for them and I know they are going to do great work!
We got an email from Chris this morning.  It's his P-Day.
He is loving Florida!
He said his backyard is a jungle.  He sees tons of wild pigs,
and croc's or gators.... not sure which.
We are all hoping he doesn't try to catch ANYTHING....
but the "GOLDENS!"
They have two baptisms scheduled and have had
some great teaching opportunities!
He got to skate for a few minutes while he talked to
a few skaters about the gospel.  I'm sure it was a
great experience for all involved!
Elder Smith's New Address Is:
12028 Citris Falls Court Apt. 205
Tampa, Florida
He would LOVE some letters
and or some care packages!

Collin's Piano Recital!

Let It Be
By: The Beatles
That's what Collin played for
his piano recital with his Aunt Stephanie.
It's his favorite song and it
sounded great!

He also played, "I Love The Mountains"
with his Grandma Smith.
Here's the Video:
(It's on the way!)
Great Job.....Colliwog!

My Testimony On My Savior!

Picture Taken By: Roxann Ovard - Kandid Kaptures Photography

Letter #2!


Letter #3!


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Corey's Senior Prom!

The Group Shot
(Left to Right)
Alex Smith, Hailey Carling, Sydney Stansfield, Corey Smith, Hailey Gray, Dalton Baker,
            Kiera Ohrn, Ian Ulrich, Abby Lutz, Brady Kalt
Strike a Pose!
Syders and Corey!
The Limo!
Dave really wanted to go for a ride!
The Limo Ride
Cool View!
Dinner at Cucina Tuscana
Goin' CrAzY at the Dance!
Good Times!!!
Senior Prom 2011

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

He Made It To Tampa!

He Made It!!!
Elder Christopher David Smith
is in Tampa, Florida!
He was able to call us from the airport before his flight left.
Being able to talk to him for a few minutes was AWESOME!
He has grown so much already and we know he is going to be
We haven't gotten a letter from him since his arrival
in Tampa, but we are hoping to get one soon.