Thursday, May 12, 2011

Corey's Senior Prom!

The Group Shot
(Left to Right)
Alex Smith, Hailey Carling, Sydney Stansfield, Corey Smith, Hailey Gray, Dalton Baker,
            Kiera Ohrn, Ian Ulrich, Abby Lutz, Brady Kalt
Strike a Pose!
Syders and Corey!
The Limo!
Dave really wanted to go for a ride!
The Limo Ride
Cool View!
Dinner at Cucina Tuscana
Goin' CrAzY at the Dance!
Good Times!!!
Senior Prom 2011

1 comment:

  1. You two are soooooo cute!!! I love all of the pictures. It look like you had a great time!!

